It takes some days to get Christmas Holiday and new year Holiday, you will get free time to enjoy My Little Pony games or coloring pages on our website and now you play new game My Little Pony Friendly for free online at our website As other games on our website, you can play this game in your browser, your mobile and enjoy it for free as well. In this game you will meet again some My Litle Pony characters as Prince Blueblood, Shining Armor, Big Mclntosh, Braeburn.... You will enjoy this game with these characters. Your task in this game is to exolore and protect the Kingdom. Now, you will choose your character and start a journey that can take you to places you never imagined.
You will use your keyboard to control this game, arro keyto Move and Jump with bar space, Please use special ability/pose (if you have one) with key T- Safe Chat with Key (X) - Discard power up with key (R) - Respawn with key (A) - Achievement list (N)
This game is designed for every player, especially for the designers because it is useful for their work. They will surely like it. They can design the room as they like. This game os simple but it is very funny and interesting. I hope that like this game and come back here to play this game. You can enjoy Horse games, Unicorn games on our website as well. Besides this game, you can enjoy other games with other categories such as Descendants games, Io Games, Baby Games, Sailor Moon Games, Elsa Games, our game systems. If you have any idea or question about our games, please let us know. We are ready to answer them at every time. Here is the game video
Arrow key To Move
Space to Jump
Key T: Use special ability/pose (if you have one)
Key X: Discard power up
Key R: Respawn
Key N: Achievement list